Class 1 at St Mary's.

Some PANTASTIC work sent in from Class 1 at St Mary's. Thanks to you all!

So glad my visit inspired this brilliant funny underpants story, and your pictures were all SO good too!
What a talented bunch you all are!

The king was going to the coronation.
But he had no underpants!
King Charles asked Queen Camilla can I borrow some.
But the underpants were too frilly.
So he asked Prince William can I have your underpants.
But they were too big and they fell down!
On the way to the coronation the king met brachiosaurus.
The brachiosaurus had spotted bloomers. No thanks!
Then he met a pirate captain with gold pants.
I like your underpants the king said. Can I have them?
No the captain said. He waved his cutlass.
The king got his sovereign's sceptre to fight the pirate.
The king lost his orb in the fight and his sovereign's sceptre.
The king had no underpants and no sceptre and no orb!

A selection of artwork from the day.


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